Dharma Academy of North America, also referred by its acronym DANAM, is organized exclusively for cultural, educational, religious, or scientific purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c ) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Members shall be those persons nominated by a Trustee, elected to membership by a unanimous vote of those Trustees present at any meeting of the Board of Trustees, and who qualify by acknowledging, in writing to the Secretary, their support of the mission and objectives of DANAM, and their acceptance of the such membership, and whose payment of applicable membership dues, unless waived, is in good standing. A member may resign by giving written notice to the Secretary. The members shall elect Trustees at the Annual Meeting of the members to be held in January or February of each year. The presence of majority of the members shall constitute a quorum.
The Board of Trustees shall consist of not less than three (3) Trustees. The term of office of Trustees shall be for one to three years, with options to continue for further terms; Trustees shall be elected at the Annual Meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the members present in person, to serve until their successors are elected and are qualified by acknowledging in writing to the Secretary their acceptance such position. A Trustee may resign by giving written notice to the Secretary. Any vacancies occurring in the Board of Trustees shall be filled by an affirmative vote of the majority of the remaining Trustees, though less than a quorum of the Board of Trustees, to serve the remainder of the term of that position. The Trustees shall elect a Chair of the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall hold an Annual Meeting immediately following the Annual Meeting of the members and such other meetings as the President or Chairman may deem necessary. A majority of the number of Trustees shall constitute a quorum. The Trustees shall not receive any compensation for their services; but shall be entitled to receive compensation for their travel and reasonable living expenses while attending meetings of the Board of Trustees or other meetings on behalf of DANAM, with approval by the Board.
The officers of the DANAM shall be a President, a Secretary and a Treasurer; the offices of President and Treasurer can be held by one and the same person. Officers shall he elected by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Trustees present in person at the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees. The term of office shall be one year or until removed by the Board of Trustees. No officer shall be compensated for his/her services, however, they will be entitled to reimbursement for travel on behalf of DANAM.
President: The President shall be a Trustee of DANAM. The President, as agent of the Board of Trustees, shall conduct the day-to-day affairs and business of the DANAM.
Secretary: The Secretary shall keep the minutes and other records of the Board of Trustees meetings and shall maintain a list of all members of the Corporation.
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall maintain the financial records of the Corporation.. The Treasurer shall submit a complete written financial report to the Annual Meeting of the membership.
DANAM has IRS tax-exempt status [IRS Code 501(c )(3)]
For DANAM to be effective in accomplishing its mission and objectives, your cooperation, support, participation, advice and communication is essential and is therefore solicited. We would like for you to become associated with DANAM, either as member, donor, or ‘friend of DANAM’. To do so, send us the following information about yourself and others in the community, via e-mail at contact@danam-web.org, or postal mail at DANAM, 17 Lessies Drive, Poquoson, VA 23662, USA:(i) Name, postal and email addresses, telephone/fax numbers (home, work, mobile);
(ii) I would like to become (mark as appropriate): Member (annual)___ (life)___; DANAM Associate,____; Friend of DANAM,___ ; Donor,____ .
(iii) My brief bio-sketch listing (2-page limit) of professional and community services activities, honors and awards, and education and publishing/speaking activities, is attached.
(iv) I have identified the following needs of our community that DANAM should address, listed in the order of priority:
(v) I would like to assist DANAM in achieving its objectives in the following way(s):
(vi) I would like to participate in, or start, a DANAM Chapter in our area:
Make checks payable to: Dharma Academy of North America, or DANAM.
The 2016 dues are as follows:
Member: Annual- $200; Life- $2,000.
DANAM Associate: $ 40.
Friend of DANAM: $ 20.
We have been encouraged by the donation pledges of financial and/or in kind support by a few generous benefactors, sustainers, patrons, trustees and event sponsors for defraying the operating costs of DANAM. Each donor (business, foundation, family and individual) will receive a Certificate of Recognition, and in promotional brochures, and at DANAM events. The donors will receive invitations to special Donor events.
Annual Pledge Donors:
Trustee – $1000Sponsor – $2000Sustainer – $3000Benefactor – $5000Donor – $10,000Major Donor – $25,000Guarantor – $50,000Major Guarantor -$ 100,000Other:
Event Sponsors: Event Sponsors – $ (based on each event)
The current Board of Trustees of DANAM consists of the following elected Trustees for the term 2016-2017. Additional Trustees are being solicited for staggered terms.Dr. Rajinder Gandhi, M.D., Saddle River, NJ, Chairman, Board of Trustees
Dr. Adarsh Deepak, Ph.D., Poquoson, VA
Dr. Dilip Sarkar, M.D., Norfolk, VA
Mrs. Jyoti Gandhi, Saddle River, NJ
Mr. Ravi Deepak, Sunnyvale, CA
The following members were elected as the Officers of DANAM for the term 2016-2017:
President: Ravi Deepak
Secretary: Dr. Dilip Sarkar, M.D.
Treasurer: Mrs. Patricia Deepak
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