DANAM 2023 Conference
November 17-18
San Antonio, Texas
20th DANAM Conference (DANAM2022) 18-19 November 2022Denver, Colorado Held in conjunction with the 2022 AAR Annual Meeting.
18th DANAM Conference(DANAM2021)
18th DANAM Conference – POSTPONED (DANAM2020) November 2020 (Boston, Massachusetts) FOR YOUR INFORMATION: By decision of the DANAM Executive Committee that, due to the ongoing unknowns concerning COVID-19, it will not be prudent to meet in person in November this year, the 2020 Conference will be POSTPONED until November 2021. It is expected that the panels planned for 2020 will take place at that Conference in San Antonio.We wish everyone good health and safety during this trying time.
17th DANAM Conference (DANAM2019) 22-23 November 2019San Diego, CaliforniaHeld in conjunction with the 2019 AAR Annual Meeting CALL FOR Proposals AGENDA ABSTRACTS
16th DANAM Conference (DANAM2017) 16-17 November 2018Denver, Colorado Held in conjunction with the 2018 AAR Annual Meeting CALL FOR PAPERS AGENDA ABSTRACTS
15th DANAM Conference (DANAM2017)17-18 November 2017Boston, MassachusettsHeld in conjunction with the 2017 AAR Annual Meeting AGENDA ABSTRACTS
14th DANAM Conference (DANAM2016) 18-19 November 2016San Antonio, TexasHeld in conjunction with the 2016 AAR Annual Meeting AGENDA ABSTRACTS
13th DANAM Conference (DANAM2015) 20-21 November 2015Atlanta, GeorgiaHeld in conjunction with the 2015 AAR Annual Meeting ABSTRACTS AGENDA
12th DANAM Conference (DANAM2014) 21-23 November 2014San Diego, California Held in conjunction with the 2014 AAR Annual Meeting AGENDA ABSTRACT
11th DANAM Conference (DANAM2013) Theme: Modern Masters22-23 November 2013Baltimore, Maryland Held in conjunction with the 2013 AAR Annual Meeting AGENDA ABSTRACTS
10th DANAM Conference (DANAM2012) Theme: The New Transmission of Dharma Traditions: Preserving Traditions, Creating Identities16-19 November 2012Chicago, Illinois Held in conjunction with the 2012 AAR Annual Meeting Call for Papers AGENDA ABSTRACTS
9th DANAM Conference (DANAM2011) Theme: The Ideals and Practicalities of Nonviolence and Violence in Dharma Traditions18-19 November 2011Intercontinental HotelSan Francisco, California Held in conjunction with the 2011 AAR Annual Meeting Call for Papers Agenda Abstracts
8th DANAM Conference (DANAM10) Theme: THE FEMININE, FEMALENESS, AND FEMINISM IN DHARMA TRADITIONS29-30 October 2010Marriott Marquis HotelAtlanta, Georgia Held in conjunction with the 2010 AAR Annual Meeting Agenda Abstracts PHOTOS FROM CONFERENCE
7th DANAM Conference (DANAM09)Theme: Dimensions of Dharma: Practice and Engagement6-7 November 2009Fairmont Queen Elizabeth HotelMontréal, Quebec, CanadaHeld in conjunction with the 2009 AAR Annual Meeting2009 full Agenda Pocket Agenda (trifold) Yoga Workshops at DANAM09 Conference PHOTOS FROM CONFERENCE
6th DANAM Conference (DANAM08) 31 October – 1 November 2008Hilton Chicago, Chicago, Illinois Held in conjunction with the 2008 AAR Annual Meeting 2008 Agenda
5th DANAM Conference (DANAM 07) 16-18 November 2007San Diego, California Held in conjunction with the 2007 AAR Annual Meeting Agenda Invitation
4th DANAM Conference (DANAM 06) 17-19 November 2006Washington, DC Held in conjunction with the 2006 AAR Annual Meeting Agenda
3rd DANAM Conference (DANAM 05) 8-20 Nov 2005Philadelphia Marriott, Philadelphia , PA Held in conjunction with the 2005 AAR Annual Meeting Agenda Invitation Letter
DANAM Panel on “Imagining Hinduism” 9 April 2004at 14th International Vedanta Conference,Miami University,Oxford,Ohio8-11 April 04POC: Prof. S. S. Rama Rao Pappu, Tel: 513-529-2439email: pappuss@muohio.edu2nd DANAM Conference (DANAM 04)19-20 Nov 2004San Antonio, TexasHeld in conjunction with the 2004 AAR Annual Meeting Invitation Letter Agenda Press Release Photo of DANAM Conf. 2004
*Global Dharma Conference 2003 25-27 Jul 2003 Raritan Convention and Exposition Center, Edison, New Jersey, USACo-sponsored by Dharma student organizations(*supported by DANAM) 1st DANAM Conference 2003 Marriott Marquis, Atlanta, Georgia, USA 21st Nov 2003 Announcement Invitation Letter Agenda Danam Conference Questionaire 2003 Conference Proceedings PHOTOS
First Planning Meeting of Dharma Association ofNorth America (DANAM)) 29 June02 Hampton, Virginia, USA DANAM SEMINAR:SPEAKER: Dr. Rita Dasgupta Sherma, Chair, Council for Hindu Studies,Claremont Graduate University, Senior Research Associate, Berghoffer Institute, New York, USA& Chair, DANAM Board of Distinguished Visiting Scholars (BDVS) 30 June 2002 Hindu Temple of Hampton Roads (HTHR), Chesapeake, Virginia, USASecond Planning Meeting of Dharma Association of North America (DANAM): 21 July 02 Hampton, Virginia, USADANAM SEMINAR:SPEAKER: Dr. Arvind Sharma, Birks Professor of Religion, McGillUniversity, Montreal, Canada,DANAM Patron, & Member, DANAM Board of DistinguishedVisiting Scholars (BDVS) 21 July 02 Hindu Temple of Hampton Roads, Chesapeake, Virginia, USAThird Planning Meeting of DANAM: 18-20 Oct 02 Saddle River, New Jersey, USADANAM SEMINAR:SPEAKERS: Drs. Rita Dasgupta Sherma and Arvind Sharma, DANAM BDVS & Patron 19 Oct 2002 OM Temple, New Jersey, USAPANEL: TOWARDS GLOBAL DHARMA, Sponsored by North American Hindu Academy of Dharma Studies (NAHADS): 20 Nov 0202 American Academy of Religion (AAR) Annual Meeting, Toronto, CanadaCONVENER: Dr. Arvind Sharma, McGill University, Montreal, CanadaCHAIR: Dr. Rita D. Sherma, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA, & Berghoffer Institute, NY, USAPANELISTS: Dr. Katherine Young, McGill University, Montreal, CanadaDr. Adarsh Deepak, Science and Technology Institute, Hampton, & DANAM, Poquoson, VA, USADr. Arvind Sharma, McGill University, Toronto, CanadaSwami Thyagananda, Vedanta Society, Boston, MA, USA
DANAM Conference 2024 Theme: Navigating Conflict and Chaos: Text, Theory, and Practice November 22-23, 2024 San Diego, California To be held live and in-person, in conjunction with the Annual AAR Meeting Agenda and schedule details soon to follow.
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